All you need to know about habit tracker spreads for your Bullet Journal or planner. Tried and tested bullet journal habit tracker ideas.
Bullet Journaling is a personal journey. My bullet journal serves multiple purposes and those purposes change as I do.
One thing stays the same though– my bullet journal pages are an invaluable time capsule.
I get to look back on my experiences, my struggles, my victories and see concrete just how much I’ve grown.
One incredibly popular and easy way to bullet journal is by utilizing habit trackers. There are so many ways you can use a habit tracker to build a new habit or break one that no longer serves you. On top of that, there are endless ways to design your own habit tracking spreads.
What is a Habit Tracker in a Bullet Journal?

A bullet journal habit tracker is a spread that tracks the things we do or feel throughout our days, weeks, months or even years!
Maybe you’re hoping to better keep your space tidy over the course of the month? If that’s the case, you could use daily habit trackers to track how often you make your bed, put your laundry away, clean the surfaces in your space etc.
Or maybe you are hoping to be more mindful and present? In this case, you could track how many minutes you spent meditating, track whether or not you used a gratitude journal, or use a mood tracker to learn how these habits effect your state of mind.
Wondering what do you keep track of in a bullet journal habit tracker? Check out this list of 50+ Habits to track.
Why Should I Start Habit Tracking?
Habit tracking is a powerful tool that can increase productivity throughout your day and help you see concrete data about how you operate.
Not only does it let you see your goals— the act of creating a habit tracker keeps these goals at the forefront of your mind. When you spend time creating a habit tracker bullet journal spread that you love, you’re setting intentions to build good habits and break the bad ones as well.
Creating a gorgeous habit tracking spread is also a fantastic motivator to accomplish the things you wish to improve upon. Filling out your habit tracker fully is a wonderful rush of dopamine.
Creating a habit tracker can help you push through the slumps when you don’t feel like it anymore, helping you establish healthy habits or other positive habits, create new routines filled with better habits, and break bad habits, too!
How Do I Start Habit Tracking?

The first thing you should do is figure out exactly what areas in your life you think would benefit from some extra attention.
This is a highly personal first step, as your needs and goals are going to be completely different than mine!
I’d recommend starting with 1-3 habits at first so you don’t overwhelm yourself with too many habits. However, once again, this is your journey and you can do as many as you wish!
Next, look for inspiration!
There are so many different ways to set up habit tracker bullet journal spreads. Your spread can be as complex or simple as you wish. The important part is that you feel inspired to use it, whether it be a minimalist habit tracker or a super intricate and colorful circular habit tracker!
Social media is a good place to find ideas, especially Instagram and Pinterest, but also journaling Facebook groups.
I prefer to take plenty of time to set up my journaling spreads and create mini art pieces with my pens and notebooks. It gives me time to visualize my goals and create a spread I am excited to open up! But you do you!
How Often Should I Use My Habit Tracker?
You can create your habit trackers to be daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly assessments. There is no right or wrong way to habit track.
Here is the ultimate guide to creating the perfect layouts for your habit tracker.
Habit Tracker Ideas to Try
Whether your new to habit tracking, or a seasoned pro, here are some habit tracker ideas to keep your journaling fresh and fun!
So many habit trackers can be set up in tons of different ways— so just pick a way that will work best for you!
The PageFlutter Vault has a circular garden habit tracker template that we designed to track yoga sessions – get access by joining the PageFlutter community for free.
Daily Bullet Journal Habit Tracker Ideas

Set up daily goals you wish to accomplish and check them off at the end of each day and week. The options are limitless on what you can track. The important thing is that you’re filling out your bujo tracker daily and working toward your goals every day.
Some daily goals can be to make your bed, practice your hobby, take your medication or vitamins, do training with your pet everyday, or track your daily water intake.
Weekly Bullet Journal Habit Trackers

Set weekly goals and assess them on one set day of every week! Maybe every Sunday you take a moment to evaluate your goals and set new goals for the upcoming week.
Setting intentions for your upcoming week will almost surely help get better and better at reaching your goals.
Some weekly habits you could track are weekly earnings/ income, if you completed weekly chores, or even if you hit your weekly workout goals!
Monthly Habit Tracker Ideas
I love starting a brand new month by goal setting and visualizing what I would like to accomplish for that month.
My typical goals for the month are nutritional goals, like hitting micro-nutrient goals, sleep goals, exercise goals, and cleaning goals.
You can also track “didn’t do” goals with monthly habit trackers, which is a sure fire way to focus on bad habits you want to break. These can be things like no junk food or soda, no adult libations, or not hitting the snooze button before starting your morning routine.
Yearly Habit Tracker Ideas
If you’re someone who loves to use a new journal at the start of a new year— yearly habit trackers can be a really great way to see your progress throughout the year and actually hit your New Year’s Resolutions!
You can still set up trackers of your days, weeks and months, but filling out a whole year’s worth of habits is ultra-satisfying!
If this sounds daunting, don’t sweat it! There is no shame in sticking to more bite sized trackers instead. I am a huge advocate for setting yourself up for success. The more “wins” you have the easier it is to stay motivated to keep going.
Themed Habit Tracker Ideas

Just like how we decorate our homes for the seasons and holidays, you can also decorate your journal too!
Maybe you enjoy creating weekly or monthly spreads. Tailor those spreads to whatever season you’re in. There is an endless list of different themes you could choose.
You could do holiday themes, you could theme your journal based on the tv series you’re currently crazy about, every month could be a new color of the rainbow, or you could even pick a theme for the year and stick to it!
Regardless, keeping themes for your trackers is a really fun way to keep things fresh and exciting,
Mini Habit Tracker Ideas
Maybe your a daily goal setter, and you don’t necessarily want to commit to a large tracker for certain habits. Maybe you just like the look of tiny trackers. Either way, creating mini habit trackers in your journal is a super fun and satisfying way to create bite sized goals to keep you on track and excited about hitting goals.
This is my favorite way to habit track and my habits typically show up as lists, income and expense trackers, and artistic goals.
More Thoughts on Habit Tracking
Bullet journaling is full of endless possibilities, and like I always say— there is absolutely no right or wrong way to do it!
If you find out that a certain style of habit tracking isn’t working for you, it does not make you a failure or lazy or any of those things, You’re just learning more and more what works for you and how you prefer tracking habits. Learning is always a good thing!
Just reevaluate and continue to try to figure out exactly how you can optimize your productivity and be the best version of yourself you can be— because that is what habit tracing is all about anyway!
If you don’t feel creative or inspired to create a theme, there are plenty of resources on the internet to help you either come up with a theme you can transfer into your journal, or even print out and paste in your journal.
Printables are a super fun and easy way to get the aesthetic trackers you want, without needing to be an artist!
Happy habit tracking! Just remember that you are capable of so much more than you believe you are, and it’s more than okay to have a bad day, or even week/ month.