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Planning + Bullet Journal Blogs to Follow

I can’t get enough of these gorgeous blogs! They’ve got tips on stationery, planners, Bullet Journaling, time-management, even handwriting. Follow with me for digital advice on analogue living.

My top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.

My top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.

Planning + Bullet Journal Blogs to Follow |

I feel like spreading a little blog love today! It’s no secret that paper planning tools are experiencing a renaissance. Many people think better on paper, without the beeps and squeaks of digital devices. I know I do. But every now and then we all get stuck.

When that happens to me, I turn to the most talented bunch of paper-loving bloggers the digital world has to offer. They get the analogue lifestyle. Best of all, they sprinkle life with enough creativity to keep things fun.

Since you’re already here, it’s safe to say you should also follow my blog. You and I, we have a good thing going. Let’s not lose it. You can even sign up for my monthly newsletter (<< hint, hint, wink wink).

Decade My top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.

Ok, meow, here we go! If you don’t know them already, allow me to introduce (in no particular order)…

Planning + Bullet Journal Blogs You Should Follow

Bullet Journal: This is always my first stop for Bullet Journal information. With good reason, too. It’s THE official Bullet Journal website, so it’s the place to start. Check the blog often for tips on getting the most out of your Bullet Journal.

Pretty Prints & Paper: Jessica from Pretty Prints & Paper uses her planning system for intentional living. On top of that she shares her incredible hand-lettering skills. Don’t miss the #PlanWithMeChallenge she runs jointly with Tiny Ray of Sunshine and Boho Berry.

Pretty Prints & Paper, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via prettyprintsandpaper.com

I Heart Planners: Laura’s blog has become my unofficial headquarters for all things organizing and planning. She also has a full library of printables that can cover every area of life imaginable.

I Heart Planners, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via iheartplanners.com

Tiny Ray of SunshineWhen it comes to functional spreads for the Bullet Journal, you won’t find anyone better than Kim from Tiny Ray of Sunshine. She knows how to go beyond fancy headers. I’ve come to view her as my own personal Bullet Journal coach (whom I generously share with at least 100,000 other people).

Tiny Ray of Sunshine, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via tinyrayofsunshine.com

Passion Themed Life: The artistic style of Kacheri’s blog is so inspiring! In addition to sharing her Bullet Journal and #PTLDoodles Challenge, her site celebrates simple living and intentionalism.

Passion Themed Life, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via passionthemedlife.com

Boho BerryThis is a blog that needs no introduction in the Bulllet Journaling world. Kara’s unique designs and open personality make it a pleasure to stop by her site, even if only to stare at her pretty planning pages. She also has a paper Etsy shop full of her own creations.

Boho Berry, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via bohoberry.com

The Postman’s Knock: Lindsey from TPK is a calligrapher, and unlike the other blogs on this list, is not about planning at all. I’ve turned to this blog often for inspiration on handwriting and envelope addressing. Sometimes productivity isn’t about doing more, but doing meaningfully. Like addressing a letter with care and affection. Spend a few minutes on her blog and you’ll be hooked.

The Postman's Knock, one of my top blogs to follow for stationery, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via thepostmansknock.com

Productive & PrettyThe name says it all. Jen and Liz harness all my favorite things into one handy site. They combine planning systems with organizing and crafts in a beautiful and seamless way. I also appreciate that they share general productivity tips to make your whole life run smoother.

Productive & Pretty, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via productiveandpretty.com

Little Coffee Fox: Shelby has become one of my blogging BFFs. She brings so much color and artistry to her Bullet Journaling style, and I adore her fearless approach to creativity. You should see her gold and watercolor headers! She also has an awesome ebook to inspire creative souls.

Little Coffee Fox, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via littlecoffeefox.com

Decade ThirtyDee has the most beautiful handwriting I’ve ever seen, and her journal spreads are crisp and clean. She blogs with a down-to-earth voice I can get onboard with. If you need a literary soul sister, this blog’s for you. Dee also has a great Etsy shop filled with intentional planning stickers, cards, and other aides.

Decade Thirty, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via Decade Thirty’s Etsy shop

Christina77Star: Christina is known for her amazing and colorful Bullet Journal spreads. Her site is loaded with Bullet Journaling advice and different spread options to keep you organized.

ChristinaStar77, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
photo via christina77star.co.uk

Sublime ReflectionWow, Kimberly from Sublime Reflection is one organized lady. As a mother of ten (yes, TEN) she would have to be! She seamlessly combines healthy living and Bullet Journaling on her blog. Count me in; clean eating is my jam, yo!

Sublime Reflection, one of my top blogs to follow for planning, bullet journaling, productivity, and intentional living.
Screenshot of sublime reflection.com

I was determined not to forget anyone, but I’m sure I did. Help me out; do you have a favorite planning blog that gets you excited about life? Share it in the comment section below.

Brainstorm with me!

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    Megan Rutell
    Megan Rutell
    Writer & Creative Blogger
    Megan Rutell is the blogger behind Page Flutter. She's also a writer, stationery lover, Air Force veteran, and homesick Colorado girl.

    4 thoughts on “Planning + Bullet Journal Blogs to Follow”

    1. A gorgeous roundup! You have 5 of my superstars already listed…THE bullet journal guy, I heart planners, boho berry, productive & pretty, sublime reflections.

      One that I think you’ll personally adore and perfectly fits with this list is my FAVORITE SITE Scattered Squirrel by Alli. free printables, planners, productivity…she’s my go to girl! Over 200 printables, professionally designed, with various graphic design and colors and full or halft sized sheets.

      — For writers,,,Joel Friedlander joel@bookdesigntemplates.com ebook, book templates, book planners, self publishing, covers, fonts, et al.

      — For bullet journals, a young vlogger, talented artist, DIY Design, from Canada, Amanda Rach Lee
      My bullet journal for 2017 #newbie
      Fixing bullet journal mistakes
      Plan with me Bujo March
      Plan with me Bujo April

      Your site is a lovely haven where I can hang out and think, not too many flashing ads, gorgeous photos, a READABLE FONTS, fabulous challenges, lovely, roundups, pretty prinatables, and a FUN newsletter! That’s an accomplishment in and of itself. My kids and I are enjoying the #6 word stories. Poets over here, so we’re having a blast with short poems! You have a new fan here!
      Merci Beaucoup, for your talent, passion, work, and sharing.

      1. Thank you so much! You’re right, Alli’s website is adorable. I can already tell I will have to do an update on this post very soon. I’ll have to check out the channels you mentions, too. Sounds like a TouTube roundup might also be in order. 🙂

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